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master the ESTIMATE
Get this aspect of business right, and you'll be able to send teammates on the job without you and be home with your kids more in no time!

Are you an experienced home organizer feeling frustrated with the lack of a system for vetting clients and estimating project timelines? 

Do you find yourself constantly guessing how long a project will take and feeling drained from being on-site all the time? 

The Ultimate Rockstar Organizer Home Estimating Guide is here to help.

This Guide Will Help You:
Decide which clients are the right fit for you from the beginning 

 Book larger decluttering jobs with a plan for implementing it in phases 

 Estimate project timelines and communicate well with clients every step of the process 

Download the guide today and take the first step towards a more organized and profitable business.
"I'm over getting dressed cute to drive across town for consults, wasting a day and nothing comes of it. There has to be a better way."

I've started working with a coach (Holly) to learn how to estimate hours and budget for each space to come up with a total estimate that can be broken down into phases. Each package comes with specific services so I don't have to spend as much time explaining what I do or saying no to tasks I prefer not to do. This where my earning potential increased significantly. 

 Holly’s pricing model is by far the best I've EVER used. I get calls from high quality clients BECAUSE I have package pricing. They want to know exactly what they’re getting and they want a high touch experience. It's put my business in a whole new category.

-Melanie Summers, professional organizer in the Pacific Northwest

If this sounds like you as a home organizer 2+ years in business, looking for a system for estimating and assessing homes so you can book bigger projects and keep your team busy without you even having to be there the whole time... or so you can hire a team because you're getting tired of doing it all yourself... 

the Ultimate Rockstar Organizer Home Estimating Guide is here exactly for you!

Hi! I'm Holly, a Certified Director of Operations, 15 Year Organizer, and the founder of Rockstar Organizers - the most amazing community of compassionate, smart, and innovative organizers!

Since 2008 I've been traveling the country helping busy professionals and entrepreneurs reset their homes in a week and building teams in multiple locations. 

By 2019, my DMs had many of the same questions from organizers:

"How do you charge for travel jobs?

"What is this package pricing I see on your website - do people really pay that much?" 

"What do I need to know about hiring? It sort of intimidates me." 

...hearing the same questions meant it was time to get everyone in the same room to talk.

Not just newbies, but those who had been organizing for a couple years or more & had been really giving this thing a go, feeling stuck and frustrated that it wasn't all coming together sooner.

Without even knowing it, Rockstar Organizers was born. 

Now in year 5 of coaching organizers on the "business side of things" and hosting retreats and  challenges, as well as 15 years of serving multiple markets and clients in their homes... 

Rockstar Organizers has become the go-to resource and community for organizers who are ready to grow, love making friends with other organizers, and want to hire so they don't have to feel alone and burn out doing it all themselves.
Through year round training programs that bring the best organizers in the room together every single week... it's not uncommon to hear things like...

  • "I feel validated... it helps hearing someone else say, 'yes, that is what you need to be working on right now."

  • "I implemented packages and my business blew up... I can't keep up!"

  • "My team is on a job and I was able to take a day for myself to shop and get my hair done."

"Where Do I Start?"
This Estimating Guide is the perfect starting place because your chance to make a seamless first impression with a client starts from the moment they reach out.

If you find yourself thinking... "I need someone to organize my brain and my organizing business for me"... well, I think we just became best friends!

Monique said it best "Holly is the Organizer for the Organizer."

The Estimating Guide Gives You Confidence in a Repeatable Process

 Gain Confidence on Exactly How to Gauge the Scope of a Project - So You Can Easily Recommend the Package of Choice

 Create a Repeatable Assessment System - So You Can Send Your Lead Organizer without You on Assessments & Projects!

 Develop a Process for Your Team to Be On the Same Page with a Clear Plan to both Start and Finish Whole Home Jobs

 ✓  ✓  ✓

Your Estimating Guide Includes...

 Cover Sheet to Capture Pertinent Client Info - So You Can See it at a Glance & Share with Your Team, Getting Everyone on the Same "Page" for the Project Plan

 30 Detailed Room Checklists - So You Define the Results the Client Wants to See & Capture Important Measurements, Notes, and Time Estimates 

 Total Estimate Page with Phase Planner - So You Can Create a Step-by-Plan for your Clients

All in a handy PDF so you can print & use for multiple clients.

 ✓  ✓  ✓

Grab your Guide! This Includes 30 Detailed Room Checklists.


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Master the Discovery Call

Special one-time offer, only $7

It all starts on the phone! 

Get the 7 Key Questions You Need to Ask EVERY Potential Client without Fail on the initial phone consult. Print this 1-Pager for when you're nervous you'll forget something.

Get these 7 Questions answered upfront in 20 minutes or less to cut the fluff, eliminate all the back and forth so you can GET STARTED doing more (paid) in-home assessments now!

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Ultimate Home Organizing Estimating Guide$22

  • Total payment
  • 1xUltimate Home Organizing Estimating Guide$22

All prices in USD
